Tuesday, March 07, 2006


That title reminds me of an embarrassing situation involving me, my dad, and 2 friends, during the "my parents are so lame" phase of my life.

The trip was truly a vacation. I slept waaaay too much but I did some intense sightseeing and had some intense experiences...

I crossed an intersection that lonely planet sites as "should be avoided, especially at night" thinking it was the safest route to go...I definitely darted through there though. I ate fresh tofu though, and it was really good.

We saw the Animal Collective and had to leave early, it just wasn't good, no other way of explaining it, well the reason they weren't good is that they weren't playing any album songs. At one point, I can only describe the sounds I heard as a train going through an aquarium. Speaking of which, we went to the aquarium in Vancouver and it was pretty neat. They had lots of freshwater fish, which is rather unusual for aquariums. We deemed one fish "PoMo" fish and it was super, turns out it was this and it looks far nicer in person.

We were hipsters for the week.

There is a certain charm in traveling an unfamiliar city alone. I think my favourite part of the trip was sitting on the beach and reading. It was cold and windy and I was wearing mittens, but I sat there for a long time, the water was soothing.

Here are some photos, they aren't great, but it's mostly because it wasn't my camera and I didn't want to lose it.

My accommodations...the beach is down below.

The beach downtown...

where I sat and read for a while

I followed the path around the nearby park.

Chinatown in the distance. I took this from Science World, where children run wild.

Wait for the SLR shots, I hope they're better.

Since there have been two requests to hear what that reference to the embarassing story was, I'll share since I'm quite over it and today was far more embarassing. Anyway, I must have been 14 or 15 and my dad was giving me and two friends* a ride home from some place. Now one of those friend's dad is a professional pilot and with that information, my dad somehow figured out that he was friends with the pilot's uncle. Upon figuring this out, he points to my friend in the back seat and says "toasted!" Many years later, I think what he meant was, "gotcha."

(for those who remember, Shabs and Beer)


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

is anyone else wondering abuot this "embarrassing situation"? :)


Anonymous said...

i am!
she's probably saving the story for her next post.

Anonymous said...

ok well now that we have an answer...

where are those SLR shots? :)
