Thursday, February 23, 2006

Some more Scattered Thoughts

Has anyone found any use for empty film cannisters? This drives me crazy. It seems like they should have some other function, I just have yet to uncover it.

I was just thinking about a conversation I had with a woman a few months back and how significant that conversation was. Sure, I thought that the woman was ridiculous, in every sense of the word, because she was telling me these details about her and her family's lives (and I'd met her about an hour earlier, before dinner), but at the same time, it kind of gave me another understanding of what the world at large is really like. It's true that I'm still in a somewhat idealist place where I think that everyone can have their own views and live peacefully, but I mean, some differences are just too large to overcome. If that woman was my mother, I would never come home, but I'm sure her children love her and there are probably lots of other people out there with her exact belief system. Has anyone had some sort of brief experience that just sticks out in their mind because they learned so much from it? (that's an invitation to share)

I'm sorry for the lack of educational, entertaining or general 'goodness' of this post. I am breaths away from vacation, yet again. There are some new links (or one..) on your right. There are some decisions I have been grappling with but mostly I have been out of my mind. It's been a long time since I haven't had time to do something or get something done when I wanted to. There might be photos soon, maybe, if you're good.

Question 3: Does anyone have an in-flight activity that does not involve tunes, books, cameras or drugs/sedation? That's right folks, I might do this one drug-free, but probably not.

Ok here's a gif I stole from some place.


Anonymous said... are a few ideas:
- play sudoku
- buy a mini puzzle and put it together on the 'tray table'
- solve a rubix cube.
- bring a big sheet of bubble wrap with you. :) i love that stuff.
- play Solitare

Anonymous said...

the film canisters have been driving me nuts too. at some point my mom decided to fill one with beans and make a little toy, of sorts, for lasted about a minute.

about conversations: something very similar with my grandmother here because talking to her, i realize how different i want be and the importance of patience when dealing with people who are stuck with some very fixed dogmas


Anonymous said...

i've been informed that film canisters are good for quarters....
