Wednesday, November 28, 2007

What I learned...

Doing a research project that could potentially result in my expulsion from my program (not for content, just my lack of aptitude) I have learned something important this afternoon. It has occurred to me exactly how important translators are.

Most of you know that my project focuses on Haiti and the dismal situation there, French-speaking minority controls the country, whereas the Creole-speaking minority, who does not speak French, is stuck, as everything, including the government and schools operate entirely in French. Imagine if schools were taught in Creole and French and that more books were available in Creole. A translator could do this. A translator can get the wheels of change moving and help a country that has been in trouble for over 200 years. Suddenly, I am inspired to be a translator.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

New Link

So I'm a grad student, right? New link on the left there, now I feel like I can reference to it, something I couldn't do last year during "undergrad."

An expression needs to coined:
1. Grad school isn't all being poor and ramen noodles.
2. Grad school isn't all coffee and seminars.
3. Grad school isn't all being poor and coffee.

More suggestions?

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

so cute, so cute.

Someone get me one of these:

I've watched this about 15 times already and it still cracks me up and makes me go "awww."

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Old Roommates are Phenomenal

Jenna-Michelle: says:
ooo I got your non-denominational-celebration-of-nothing-religious
present this weekend. it's wrapped and under my non-religious tree
with the plastic version of a ball of burning gas on the top.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Rhetorical Question

Feel free to answer.

Does anyone ever feel like their life has an audience? My life is more
like American Idol I think: People get to vote on the outcome.

There was something better I wanted to say here.

I am tired and beginning to wear myself out. Perhaps some rest and
relaxation will happen this weekend, but my social life is picking up
again, so no chance.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007


Regarding my last post... the guy found her and posted an update on his website:

It'd be incredibly sweet if it worked out. Understandably, we'll never really know. How flattering for the girl though, no?

Monday, November 05, 2007

Painfully Adorable

Check this out:

How painfully cute is that? That type of thing happened to me once this summer actually and it's the only time it happened. Flight Toronto to Munich, the kid in front me and I exchanged grins for the whole flight. We both even had connecting flights and saw each other again...then he wandered by on the moving sidewalk and that was where it ended. *tear*

I hope this guy finds the girl as he's put quite a bit of innovative effort to try and find her.

On This American Life, they had a story about this girl who met a guy in line for a concert when she was 13 and he was 20. They hit it off and started dating, but she was in junior high and he was an out of work actor and things eventually ended. Twelve years later, they picked each other up in a line at a concert again. She thought this was incredibly romantic until she realised he was still the 20-year-old out of work actor he was twelve years prior. The moral of that story is, I suppose, that sometimes it is just a coincidence.

Anyone else have something like this happen to them?

PS I kind of feel like perhaps I should include the dates and flight numbers in case he happens to search for them. Coincidence, coincidence, you neurotic fool.