Sunday, October 23, 2005

recounting what happens when...

Person: Franz Ferdinand is on SNL tonight.
Me: nice.
Person: yeah I'm excited, I've never heard/seen him before.
Me: it's a band...
Person: oh..
Me: Franz Ferdinand was assassinated and that began WWI
Person: huh.

This was a half rowdy weekend and some injuries were sustained, mainly by me, of course. Some liquor just goes down way too easy. I didn't get very much reading done, well not news anyway, but I did manage to get quite a bit of leisure reading, which I got mocked for because it's a "nerd book." Pff..Some people don't know fun when they see it. I'm probably one of those people.
I also managed to do something I can't do while sober: send a text message. It was sent to a friend of mine because I realised at midnight Friday night that I had forgotten her birthday the day before...the thing is, she lives in Switzerland and I have no idea in what language I sent the message.

On the news this morning I learned very little about the happenings of the world. Bloggers are apparently allowed to run wild on CNN (this is the only almost suitable news channel available, because CTV makes things like "Celine wants another baby" a headline).

Here is a postcard I recently received. My friend is going to be studying near there.


I think this is the castle which was the basis for Cinderella's castle... I also think Ludwig was the guy who built all the ridiculous castles around Europe - including Versailles near Paris... I could be quite wrong about that one.
Also, my roommate told me that I would really enjoy mail art. I probably would.


Lurid said...

Hot damn, that castle is sweet.

I hope your injuries were not too drastic. :)

hauntedsalon said...

now this is a band:
