Thursday, October 13, 2005

If I put all my poems together, I'd sound like Beck

I'm not an artist in any shape, size or form, but I pretend to be. And because of the recent holidays, I was inspired to make a rabbi out of Lego.

Roommate J was inspired to make me out of Lego. There are three things wrong (well two depending on opinion) with the figure Can you spot them? Maybe you will win a prize.

Here is some life information that you may or may not want to hear (my guess is that it's the latter):

Roommate J also had this crazy idea about buying the good TP, and it was a marvelous idea. Though it was no classy TP like this one.

I flipped through old (2-3 years old) magazines recently and saw advertisements for bands and albums that I recently discovered and love.

Tea is still the greatest thing that has ever been. Coffee is included in that.

I am lacking good new music. The random stuff that made it onto my water buffalo (my mp3 player) is not as good as I'd hope it'd be. I need to get the audio books in there. Someone please send me some music.

I began a new hobby which I don't think will last.

Take care of yourselves, all of you.

UPDATE: somehow I missed showing you all this wonderful contraption.


Anonymous said...

i send you stellastarrrrr* :)

send me address.


Anonymous said...


hmm... the lego hana has blue eyes... do u have blue eyes?

hahaha, u guys should buy that TP. that's be GREAT!!

want some french music? ;)

(the word verification thing gave me the word "tigadtoe" :) that's fun to say!!)

Anonymous said...

you have brown eyes. the last time i saw u, u didn't have a unibrow. u have green shoes? if that's not it, then I say...your hips are wider than ur waist, not the same. :)

want some chinese music? ;)