Friday, December 17, 2004

The Evident

Studies have shown that there is a positive correlation between the number of blogs posted and the approach of exams.

I'm sitting here trying to figure out what I have to say in addition to that, but I've got nothing. My head is currently full of terms that have no practical use and are also not in English. I also have a dictionary on my lap, it's not helping me either. In the last two days I have lost complete touch with reality, I was au courant with the happenings of the world. My hermit skills have improved significantly.

Caco is the Portuguese word for Kermit the Frog. And then there is Kippy, Kippy was a hedgehog not a porcupine, contrary to popular belief, or just mine since childhood.

I seem to have momentarily lost my sanity there, I hope you all enjoyed it. There were several hours yesterday spent procrastinating by reading the dictionary, it was between two languages, which shall remain unspecified. There were two results, one was that a new pet name around here translates to a bodily function (I'll leave that one to the imagination) because it sounds cute and that I got called a family secret. Fun things happen when you're supposed to be working.

Before I say or do something stupid, or dumber than I already have, I bid you adieu.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hana, I love your blog. Even when you have nothing to say, you are still entertaining.
