Thursday, April 27, 2006


Everyone should know by now that I am a fan of This American Life but this is the most depressing episode ever. Hands down. However, the intro is pretty uhhh 'good'. They talk about mouse traps. The president of the world's number 1 mouse trap company talks about what it means to design mouse traps. He is asked what the worst invention and most inventive idea that he has been presented with. One answer involved something about a mouse climbing into a dome of sorts, where he sets off a pill falling into a pail of water. The pill is some chemical, which when combined with water results in Carbon Monoxide, in essence, this is a gas chamber. The host asks if this was ever made, the president of the company says: Germany. Fuck. He is speechless.

My folks recently returned from 'the holy land' and a quick stop over in Poland. Yes people willingly go to Poland. They had a good time and also took about 3000 photos. 3000. I have not yet looked at them, but I look forward to seeing my family photographically. My plan is to go there next summer...this plan came up while brushing my teeth a few days ago. After I graduate, I will go there for a month or so and finally learn to read. If all goes well, my cousin will not get married until next summer, though they are planning for October right now. Right! My little cousin got engaged! She just turned 21! (ok so not that young) She's getting married! Whoooaaaaa.

Anyway, after coming home from a week that dragged on forever due to exams and moving, then on the drive home we had to stop on the way, got lost and Trace had to drive because lack of sleep catching up with me... I came home, moved boxes AGAIN into the house and fell asleep for about 10 minutes, when my mom came home and asked me if I'd seen what she got me. I went to my room to find:


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