Friday, February 17, 2006

washed up and dried out

I recently found out about how a band I used to love is coming to down a few times over the next few weeks. I wrote a friend about this. This friend and I independently saw this band in the summer and realised how much they suck now. This was my friend's actual response. The name of the band and its members have been erased to avoid awkward situations. Replacement names have been put between quotation marks.

>>Hey Hana
The "Coughdrops" make me sad... In my mind they were pure and noble...everything that ska should be, but seeing them play that last time in the summer was like looking 10 years into the future. I had a vision of "Chip" with a pot-belly and dirty clothes standing at the subway station, plucking "I enjoy songs" on a tiny weathered ukelalie, looking mournfully into the faces of the passers by, hoping that maybe-just maybe, someone will throw him some change or a major record deal...Another band member walks by, sights "Chip" and quickly glances away and quickens his pace, for everyone esle in the band has moved on, "Chip" is only a reminder of their fall from glory. <<

Don't let this happen to you. Friends don't let friends wash up... That's one crappy moral. *cough*filler entry*cough*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey, is that the group that you told me about last year?
you were gonna go see them perform here in town?