Saturday, January 08, 2005

The Purpose

From here:
"Being a student is no longer about making endless cups of Nescafé and talking about Derrida: these days you need to be thinking about how to put your university experience to practical use. And while the ability to make a decent cup of coffee is likely to stand you in good stead in your first place of employment, it may not, in itself, do much for your CV. As the job market gets increasingly competitive, it is no longer enough to have a degree if you want to worm your way into the workplace. To get an edge on your fellow graduates, you need to have done work experience. But if students are merely learning how to become employable, why go to university at all?"

I ask myself that question everyday. I think that this article was supposed to make students feel optmistic about the idea that there are oppurtinuties to gain appropriate and relevant work experience. I feel like I have no purpose now, with my course of study, there is no particular field where I find myself in an office. Or employed for that matter. HA! That is my mission.

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