Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Never Ever...

During my web surfing, I came across this: http://www.beingfamous.com/blog/wordpress/?p=488

A guy listing all the things he's never done and encourages other people to list theirs. After looking at his list, I've done everything on there (as I'm sure most people have). I kept trying to think of other things so I could be cool and create a list myself. On my own, the only thing I could come up with was: never ate bacon/ham and also places I've never been. It was kind of annoying until I realised that it's probably a good thing I couldn't list things I've never done since it's good to try new things/not live avoiding things.

After looking over other people's list I've gotten this:
1. never eaten ham/bacon, etc.
2. never gone snowboarding
3. watched a reality show from start to finish (I've caught clips here and there, actually kind of glad about this one)
4. been a boy band fan
5. read or watched Harry Potter

What's the point of this list? It's not like it's anything I want to do.

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