Thursday, May 18, 2006

Distant Thoughts

The thought of not posting something for so long scares me...I am currently somewhat without home and definitely without a constant source of internet, it's almost inhumane (note sarcasm). Everything is moving along slowly right now, but maybe the pace will pick up soon. Then I also remembered that I can email my blog (and hope it posts).

Movies viewed to date: 4
Bogeyman (Denmark) - super cool, 8/10
Zlydni (Ukraine) - good moral, bonus for claymation, 9/10 (translated this one)
The Danish Poet (Denmark) - good humour, animated, 8.5/10 (will translate)
The Peace Tree (Canada/Toronto) - educational and lame, 7/10 (will translate)

Characters for the summer:
Alix, Kit, Kollene and yours truly...among others to be announced.

I am leaving the seminary tonight, I think/hope for yet another temporary room, but I think this time it's in the house. Maybe. I was really distracted by the landlord's uniform (he's in the army) and I'd just been watching that terrible Peace Tree (I keep thinking Peace Frog, thanks Doors!).

Only one story of note so far which is when we went to talk to the admin guy at the seminary - which we still have no idea what it's for - about meals - Alix and I both are at the seminary this week. Meeting Alix is a whole other series of coincidences. Anyway, so I asked about vegetarian food and he kind of laughed at me, a while and a conversation with some girl on the phone later, he took us down to the kitchen to ask the chef about dinner.
"Vegetarian? which one?" (presumably to pelt with rotten tomatoes)
"That one"
"Well uhh... HON HON HON!" (French laughter) Thanks guys.

I suppose there will be more to come, unfortunately it will be photo-free.

Talk to you soon...perhaps.
Ah-nah (that being my French name)

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