Sunday, January 29, 2006

An international conspiracy couldn't stop me

I guess it's that time of the week again. It has been quite the week in news, I'm sure all of you know that. The older I get, the less certain the future seems...which scares me sometimes, but sometimes gives hope, I suppose.

A lot of amazing things come out Japan, like this. This is how robots will take over the world, they will get their way into our hearts by offering us refreshing beverages and then wham! Turn their backs on us and force us to be their slaves. I feel like this won't happen until long after we're gone, so there is no need to worry, dear friends.

Summer job hunting has begun and this time it's gone not only national, kind of, but international. I hope that means I'll get a good job this summer. Anyone want to hire me? I know you do.

Boring Postcards. They are sadly deceiving and quite interesting.

Sorry no photos today. The corporate machine is not cooperating.

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