Thursday, November 03, 2005

thorny ways go far

Since there were two comments about this... Yes you can eat cactus (or mostly any plant for that matter). The best example of this is the peyote cactus which produces mescaline, a nice hallucinogenic drug, made famous in "The Doors of Perception" (where the Doors got their name) by Aldous Huxley (who also wrote "Brave New World"). I, of course, as an innocent 4 year old, did not eat this cactus because I'm sure my parents would not have planted that outside. I just ate some sort of leafy cactus.

round 2 has begun.

I hope everyone had a fun Halloween... I didn't do anything except get soaked in the rain. I got an email from my darling brother which mostly said that:
"My friend Lachlan and I explored the mother-son relationship of children born by cesarean section during roman times. We did this for Halloween."
Those were by the far the creepiest photographs I have ever seen... though seeing someone jump rope over an umbilical cord is kind of funny. I suppose if you want to see them, I can forward them to you.

Super nintendo has been rediscovered, well it was never really discovered by me because we never had anything like that before, but it is filling up a lot of our time.

No pictures this time.. I think you've had enough.


Anonymous said...

i can never get enough of the pics!

aww, super nintendo is GREAT!
do u guys have Mario Kart?

H-Train said...

of course we do... I am beginning to show skills in that. next time you're over, we'll play.

Anonymous said...