Friday, September 23, 2005


I am home for the weekend and I'm sick. I hate having colds, especially when there are impending essays that require deep thought (I hope someone got that reference) or the ability to write an essay that is actually rather easy.

A lot of scary things have been happening lately, I wonder if anyone else has noticed this. I feel like maybe these scary things were always happening and I just know about more of them now. Hmm.

I still can't really think right head just hurts and I don't feel like writing der Essay.

Let's all pretend that this was a good post and maybe it will come true.


Anonymous said...

heehee, you made me laugh at the end, so i'm calling it a good post! :D

sorry u're sick... :p
i hope u get better soon!!!
g'luck on the essays and whatnot!

Anonymous said...

i don't get it.. impending.. doom?

feel better!
