Wednesday, June 08, 2005

The Images

I have returned mostly unharmed. It was an adventure. It was like speed sightseeing. There is talk of starting up our own tour company: or because that really describes how things went, for the second half at least. I apologize for the different sized photos.

I did Paris in 5 hours thanks to a very helpful tour guide (i.e. ex-roomie). To clarify, there was a 10 hour lay over, but because Charles de Gaulles airport is outside the city and ridiculously large it took me awhile to make it to the city.
Jolie Paris

La tour Eiffel

Then it was off to Nuremberg. I was greeted at the airport by my cousin's wife. She took me to their house (there was a change of plans and we would be staying with them) where I was greeted by my cousin, my cousin's daughter, my uncle and my brother. I sat down and was promptly poured a glass of beer, weizen, which is damn good (it is 'yeast' beer). There was lots of catching up and translations and beer.

The next morning we went to the Germanisches Museen - the Germanic Museum. Here is some of what we saw:
History of Chairs
(historic chairs)
fucking weird
(art in the old cathedral part of the museum, on either side are grave stones)
The Streets
(Street signs)

There is more to come. A lot more.


hauntedsalon said...

nice pictures, glad you made it back unscathed!

Anonymous said...

i'll stay tuned!
beautiful pics!

H-Train said...

thanks =)