Monday, June 13, 2005

The Gravity

More! I don't care if you're sick of these, but there are just a few more photos...well 3 more cities. I realised something, the less photos I have, the more stories I have to tell.

The following are photos from Dachau, which is near Munich. We took a day trip out there. Dachau is where the first concentration camp was established in Germany. It was a political camp at first. This was my second visit to Dachau and it was no less shocking than the first.

Arbeit Macht Frei
The main gates. "Arbeit macht frei" - "Work frees" / "the work will set you free"

By the barracks:


Four person prison cell:

Where the prisoners gathered for roll call.

The larger crematorium.
Don't look
I took many other photos of it, but I would rather not post them as they are quite moving. If you are interested in seeing them, I can send them to you.

The end.
Never again

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