This is the first post from
my computer in over three months. How exciting. Actually it had a slight malfunction when I tried to turn it on last week and only got it back on Thursday, however now it yet again boasts more harddrive space (not my fault, I didn't ask for it, I swear!). Enough about remember how I busted my camera in Montreal? Well, my folks felt bad for me and offered to buy me a new one (actually, I was going to sell my old one and put that money towards a new camera they were going to buy for me). Anyhoo. Special K also needs a camera but it appears her brother gave her his, which was nice of him, the most my brother ever gave me was a pile of someone else's clothes. I actually appreciated it though. OK back to the camera issue. My family is a Pentax family, just a series of coincidences really. My dad got a Pentax digi, then he got one for my brother too, and I have a Pentax SLR (well, my dad used to have a Pentax SLR) naturally I lean towards Pentax vs. Canon. Special K and I have been half-assedly researching digis for months.
This is the best I have come up with. Comments, concerns, suggestions? Post them or email: or whereever else you want to comment.
Sorry about the boring post. This is the mother of all lamps:
oooh, pretty pretty camera. definitely the first camera i've seen with a touch screen....nice find! it's taking too long to load the flash stuff though. so... i don't know anything else about this camera, lol
ehehe, "the mother of all lamps"
talk about random!:)
so that camera is CRAZY extravagant!
i say you should get it. even if for just that feature alone.
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