Saturday, February 26, 2005

The One Liner

Take Two.

I have just witnessed the movie known as Annie Hall: A Nervous Romance. I think any normal person can relate to it on some level. The abnormal can probably relate on several, if not all, levels.

Here are some key lines.

Alfie Singer on life: Two women are in the Cat Scales (a spa resort) and one woman says to the other, 'the food here is terrible.' The other replies, 'I know and such small portions.'

Alfie Singer on his life: I don't want to be a member of a club that will have me as a member. (Though he sites this as being Groucho Marx)

Alfie Singer: Don't knock masturbation, it’s making love to someone you love.

An exchange between Alfie Singer and Annie Hall.

Annie Hall: Hollywood is so clean.
Alfie Singer: It's because they don't throw out their trash, they make it into television shows.

I am glad I purchased this movie. If anyone would like to see it, I am willing to lend it out. Things of substance to come in the near future I hope. There is no time to do anything, I find; though I just spent a week procrastinating. It was wonderful.

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