Monday, June 12, 2006

Weak Moments

Nobur Watanbe
Where have you gone?
Didn't the wind-up bird
Wind your spring?
(33 Haruki Murakami "The Elephant Vanishes")

If you've wondered how to spell this: tchotckes.

Moment of the (last) week:
Characters: Me, France (thirtysomething -this is relevant -coworker who is in the office 2 days a week), various other coworkers
(by the way this has been translated)

There is a wasabi packet on the conference/lunch table.
France: Does anyone want any wasabi?
Me: Huh?
France: Wasabi, there's some wasabi on the table do you want it?
Me: I'm good.
France: Do you know the show jackass? One of those guys snorted it.
Me (in awe): And then he threw it up.
France: Yeah!

WHOA! Someone around here watches jackass. I've yet to talk to her about it though, I went to go get something and then lost my chance. Next week.

All right so I wrote that in the morning before the greatest day ever at work. Let me tell you about it. Just after 9:30 am, the mail arrives and first pay day, finally, after a month.

Right before lunch I tell my boss, Paule, that I almost done translating the (cool) full length Swedish film ("Graveyard Island") I'd been working on for the last 2 full days. I tell her that I will take off early tomorrow (Friday) because my parents are coming tonight. She says that's fine and she'll give me some work to do at home so I don't have to come in at all! What? Sorry, what was that Paule? When Audrey brings in the movie tomorrow morning I just have to come by and pick it up and then watch it over the weekend. You are positively the most amazing boss there is. Hands down. Coworker Kit got lots of work to do and her boss being annoying and asking her to do things she actually can't do, as in, they are not possible. I'm sorry Kit. My day was super exciting...and we had to stop for ice cream on the way home from work to cheer her up. On the way to the bank, we ran into Kollene who had also just returned from the bank and was on the way to the bakery we were going to visit.

Then my parents came and we all went out to dinner. Folks were impressed with my French skillz. Skillz, yes. They don't know the difference, they also think I have a French (vs. Quebecois) accent. The photoside will be updated soon. The next few weeks are going to be ridiculous weekend-wise, so no promises.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


sounds like you're having a great time!!!!

WOOOHOOOO frenchness!