Thursday, December 08, 2005

sorry it's too bright

Classes are done for the semester. Supa.

I'm happy about taking off from here after exams, but home isn't where I want to be, though I don't know where I want to go however. I think I will scrap the plans to go to Chicago and another random city during reading week since a week in Chicago would be ridiculous and there isn't another city in the area and apparently the rest of the US within driving distance sucks. Instead, I think I will take that week to go to Vancouver, unless the other trip picks up momentum, in which case, Vancouver will be another weekend. This also depends on brother. That was so confusing.

I found a program for the future: "In the field of French language and linguistics, major areas of concentration include theoretical and applied linguistics through the following fields in particular: contrastive studies, sociolinguistics; lexicology; terminology, translation; semantics; pragmatics, text linguistics; computer assisted language learning and second language acquisition."
That would be amazing.

I feel like I need throw in something intellectual. So umm... After reading a bunch of French books, I've noticed something strange, the table of contents is in the back, followed by the index, etc. That wasn't intellectual at all, I apologize. In my search for intellect, I found the contrary, here is something to anger anyone, this and also here. I know that, I have a bias, but this makes it sounds like there was a country there before...But it is a lot more complicated than that. It makes me sick that people like this exist, let alone that this man runs a country.

Import socks. Festive.

As for the rest of life, things are better now, clearer and under control.


Anonymous said...

haha "Supa"
i was so confused when i first read that. "Supper?!"

that sounds GREAT!
even though i'm a big fan of Chicago,Vancouver wins.
by far.

ooo! that program sounds very 'linguistic-y'... hope it works out!
where is it anyway?

those articles were ridiculous.
especially since it's the leader of the country.
i have an aunt(/uncle and cousins) in Iran.
oddly enough.

fun socks!

Anonymous said...

u know what? i think russian books are the same.. stuff at the back that should be at the front.. it's probably the table of contents but i'd have to check to tell u for sure..


Anonymous said...

oh and i forgot to mention..

