Friday, December 16, 2005

the school issue

The following is an excerpt from some notes of mine, now I understand why I never learn anything:

-"l'occitant for beginners sera en français, there is no particular variety that can be taught parce qu'il y a des variétés rurales..."
Other reasons:
- I thought of another reason that I don't learn anything and I can't remember... it might be that I don't learn well by reading or that if there is a computer in front of me I am probably reading some ultra nerd article.
-Focusing comes in 10 minute bursts.
-In the past, people have been convinced that I have ADHD or dyslexia - I do get bored while writing exams

Stay in school kids and study hard because then one day you might be able to send your family emails that you arrived safely in San Francisco for some reason on someone else's dime. I say this having just received an email confirming a safe return from San Francisco and be too busy to email back explaining why you were there in the first place.

I am being forced to come to terms with the fact that I don't procrastinate. I do in that I dick around when I have homework to do and I just do my homework half-assed, but I always get things done. I plan for the procrastination, which apparently means I don't procrastinate... my roommate was getting aggrevated and quoted me as saying "oh man.... I don't know how I'm ever going to get this done, it needs to be in in three days." Point taken.

Ultimately, I think it comes down to the fact that I wake up early and get in that work before anyone else is up.

The only link I have for you today is wear truth.

This is my shelf that's out in the livingroom...G drew on it and A coloured it in.
feelin' pasety
(I don't know why I didn't take it head get the idea)
There is a statement involved... what do you think it is?

This is me studying or doing an assignment or something. There is a spaceman hiding under the table.
spaceman oh spaceman


Anonymous said...

i don't recognize any of the pics from ur apartment...
has it really been that long since i've been there?!

lol. your notes are hilarious!

H-Train said...

it has been awhile, you should come by (dutchie is sooner than ever)...but mostly it's all weird angles and furniture you never saw before - like the white shelf thing is next to the freezer, A didn't know it was there til I mentioned it.

Anonymous said...

lol i agree.. love the notes :)

and .. i want a picture like that on my wallll
