Friday, November 25, 2005

red pomegranate stained fingers

My last post was pretty crappy and I'm sorry. I was trying to think what else I could offer you. After I did the following, I slept a lot.

(by the way, this is a terrible idea, because whenever you eat them, you get sharpie all over your hands)
I have been watching a lot of random shows as of lately, which I don't enjoy because I don't watch tv really and I don't want to start.
Today I stuck around school for an extra two hours because I had a mandatory conference with a prof and I didn't feel like trekking through the cold again. I managed to hold my own in the conversation, which I was pretty happy about because I suck at German. Though, I was thoroughly annoyed when all the commentary that I got from him was the equivalent, "good, let's go over some of your sentences and correct them together." Then he said something I didn't understand, which turned out to be word order, the worst part of German grammar, in my opinion, worse than adjectival endings, but none of you know anything about that, now do you? I know waaaaaaaay too much about grammar for my own good. Anyway, that conference thing was a waste of time, which I really didn't expect it to be because the professor is a rather amazing one and maybe a little nuts if he thinks I do good work.
Well I'll leave you with that. Enjoy.


Anonymous said...

hah, those are funny

Lurid said...

Even if it is a terrible idea, it still looks cute. :)

I know a lot about grammar. But not German grammar.