Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Anyone who knows me, knows that I procrastinate like hell (isn’t that where this blog came from?) but I also manage to get things done miraculously. Right now there are about four different things that need to get done for various times of the day, but here are some thoughts from the weekend spent at home:

- The car smelled like guavas, a scent I hadn’t experienced in over a year and even then it was from a canned juice.
- On the bus, it was like we were old friends and I don’t even know her name, but I did promise her that I would write and post about the ridiculous voyage we had and the term “self-googler” that was coined along the way
- We bonded over vintage t-shirts and how now the only worth of an anti-drug t-shirt campaign is sarcasm
- Wanting to photographically capture the feeling of an afternoon spent happily with family
- Discussions left unresolved, life questions we could no answer, mainly because they were only clear in our heads, I remembered why I hate that he lives on the other side of the country – those moments where we related our entire lives and how they were together an dhow they were apart
- Finding that stationary is the hardest instrument to find. Postcards as well. Envelopes to hold these things too
- A haphazard good-bye

The weekend was very enjoyable over all, but involved no Thanksgiving dinner spiel, my family doesn’t do that. I did however find out that the rest of my family is going on a wonderful little trip to the old country in April for my uncle’s birthday/holidays, but I don’t get to go because it is exactly when I have exams. There have been promises of a make-up trip for me, though I don’t think I’m ready to go back yet (having been there somewhat recently).

After my return, my room looks even more like a wasteland, I should put away some books because clearly, none of them are being read.

In other news, get me one of these.


Anonymous said...

That armchair/stove is ... so ... cool. And yet, I don't think I'd want one. I just won't be comfortable sitting on the bottom of a stove.

And did you read the description? Reduce the material lifestyle? hello! armchair/stove in one?! That's pretty "material" to me! lol

H-Train said...

it reduces material, which means instead of having a stovetop and an armchair, you only have them as one, thus saving space/material. you understand? :)

Lurid said...

Hey--thanks for the compliment you left on my blog (or my potato, as I sometimes refer to it...) I like these little vignettes of your weekend. Quite nice!